Tutti insieme

Ginevra Elkann, France, Italy, 2019o


Alma, Jean and Sebastiano, the children of divorced parents, arrive in Rome from Paris on a visit to their father. During a holiday, the family’s tensions come to the surface.

A trip back into childhood and the gilded atmosphere of the 1980s, seen through the eyes of three siblings clinging to the desire to feel like a family. Touching on dreams and responsibilities, Elkann seamlessly directs her fine cast in a film that is gently but intensely moving, like a childhood memory. A self-aware and sincere debut, caressed by the grace of an approach that retains the enchanted but ferocious innocence of children.

Daniela Persico

Am Tyrrhenischen Meer fantasiert sich die Achtjährige eine Familienharmonie herbei: Produzentin Ginevra Elkann erzählt in ihrem semi-autobiografischen Regiedebüt aus der fabelhaft-verträumten Sicht der Kleinen, ohne aufgesetzte Dramatik, wunderbar leicht und mit schön körnigen Achtzigerjahre-Nostalgie-Bildern.

Andreas Scheiner


Movie Datao

Other titles
Tutti insieme – Magari DE
Tous ensemble - Tutti insieme FR
If Only EN
Running time
104 Min.
Original languages
Italian, French, English
ØYour rating6.5/10
IMDB user:
6.4 (874)
< 10 votes
6.6 (5) q

Cast & Crewo

Céline Sallette
Brett Gelman
Milo Roussel
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